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Dynamics KS2 Wider Opportunities

Dynamics is proud to offer many different opportunities for pupils to learn instruments during their primary school life. 


Our Whole Class Ensemble Tuition programme is complemented by small group continuer projects on 26 different instruments across Medway and takes place in 96% of Medway schools and academies. All schools are offered the opportunity for at least one whole year group to receive tuition on an instrument for 30 weeks, fully funded by Dynamics and delivered by one of our Licensed Music Teachers.  


The vast majority of schools also have fully funded small group provision on another instrument for those pupils who




Music Class

have taken part in a year of whole class provision. Many schools choose to contribute funding to enable the expansion of instrumental provision, with some teaching 10 different instruments! In our annual evaluation, the retention request rate of all provision was 97.4%.


We are also delighted to be expanding our Music Technology pilot projects, so please get in touch if this is something your school would like to get involved in.


Dynamics runs a bespoke model of provision, working closely with schools and academies to meet the needs of pupils. We are always happy to discuss musical developments and new projects in schools.

Contact us on if you have any questions or queries.

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