Dynamics CIC
Making Music in Medway
Dynamics Instrument Stock
Dynamics has a stock of instruments that it loans to schools and academies at a small charge to support our Licensed Music Teachers and Music Education in Medway.
Dynamics has only recently begun charging for instruments and its prices remain amongst the best value in the whole country. In order to make this feasible, the safe keeping, repair, maintenance, insurance and replacement costs for these instruments are the responsibility of the school. The instrument system is very much a partnership arrangement and we view it as an essential part of the equality of opportunity that we value so highly in Medway.
If appropriate for children to take the instruments home for

practice, it will be necessary for schools to obtain in advance written agreement from parents/carers accepting full responsibility for the instruments. Templates for this letter can be requested from instruments@dynamicsmedway.co.uk.
We are currently in the process of a phased instrument audit of Dynamics instruments on loan and we encourage schools to let us know of any instruments that are not in use.
If your school owns instruments that have been sitting in cupboards not being used, please do let us know! We are always happy to help schools make the best use of resources.