Dynamics CIC
Making Music in Medway
Instrumental Lessons
Instrument Loan
Medway Council has a large stock of musical instruments, administered by Dynamics, which are made available for loan to pupils in Medway schools and academies. The majority of these instruments are loaned directly to schools for the Medway Wider Opportunities Music Scheme (which offers free tuition for a period of time). However, some instruments are available, through Medway schools and academies, for pupils wishing to continue beyond their first year of tuition, subject to availability.
Dynamics is always keen to support new projects according to availability and criteria.
Licensed Music Teachers
Dynamics and Medway Council administer the Licensed Music Teacher Scheme for peripatetic music tutors within Medway schools and academies. The entire Medway Wider Opportunities Scheme is delivered by a highly skilled team of experienced LMTs, brokered by Dynamics. Dynamics works in partnership with its LMTs to provide instrumental tuition and music performance events.
In order to be able to undertake music tuition in Medway schools and academies, tutors are required to register with Medway Council as a Licensed Music Teacher. This process involves a DBS check, child protection training and quality assurance.
Apply to be an LMT
To find out more about how to become a Licensed Music Teacher in Medway please contact Dynamics.
Year 6- 7 transition from Primary School to Secondary School
If you are in year 6, have been learning an instrument at your Primary School and would like to continue having lessons at your new Secondary School, please download and return the following form by the deadline: Friday 27 July 2018
Please make sure you have also read the accompanying information carefully.
Good news for parents looking to purchase an Instrument!
Arts Council England recently launched a scheme called 'Take it Away' with the aim of making instruments more accessible for pupils. The scheme is open to parents buying an instrument for pupils under the age of 18.
Book Lessons
If you would like to look into booking lessons with one of our Licensed Music Teachers please get in touch via our contact page.