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MMA Summer Music Courses

Each year in the summer the Medway Music Association offer a three-day non-residential music course for pupils in Medway in school years 3-13. The course includes opportunities for playing in small instrumental ensembles and a large mixed orchestra. Students will also be able to participate in percussion ensembles, singing and fun general musicianship games and activities.

A separate course is also held for members of Medway Junior Youth Orchestra and Medway Intermediate Youth Orchestra. New members are very welcome.

All Summer Music courses will be held at Rainham Mark Grammar School .


Any applications received by Saturday 18th May will be entered into a special prize draw! The prizes are:


1st Prize: Free place at Summer Music Course 2019, Easter Music Course 2020 and MMA pencil

2nd Prize: Free place at Summer Music Course 2019 and MMA t-shirt

3rd Prize: Free MMA t-shirt and pencil.


We look forward to receiving your applications!

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

How to Apply:

Application Form:  To apply for Summer Music Courses please download the application form and return it, along with a cheque, to the address given on the form. Please make sure you have also read the information sheet.


Entry requirements:  Summer Music Course is open to anyone in Medway aged 7-18 (school years 3-13) who has been learning to play an instrument since at least the start of this academic year. We also welcome members of Music Centres and Medway Ensembles and those recommended by their instrumental teacher are encouraged to apply.


Cost: There will be a registration fee of £20.

Deadline:  The deadline for applications is Saturday 22 June 2019.


Wednesday 24th - Friday 26th July 2019

How to Apply:

For more information please visit our partner's website below.

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